Just a reminder, character therapy has begun over at the Books and Writer's forum. The marvolous Beth Shoppe serves as therapist today and tomorrow. I'll be standing in the role for Wednesday and Thursday. And next week, Monday and Tuesday, the amazing Jen Hendron will take her turn delving into your character's secrets. And be prepared for a few suprise visits and twists as we proceed through this house party. Come join us!
Author Gemma Halliday is holding a charity auction to benefit one of her teenage readers, who recently became homeless and is blogging about the experience here. Here's what Gemma has to say about the auction:
Katy's blog is interesting to read, and she obviously has a talent for describing her life and what she sees as she and her mom travel through this difficult time."Katy is a sixteen year old avid reader and aspiring author and illustrator who has won local awards for her artwork. Just before Christmas, Katy and her mother became homeless. They were evicted from their apartment and have been living in hotel rooms (when they've been lucky) or their car (when they've not been so lucky) since then.
Katy has been blogging about life on the streets, and you can read all about how this incredibly sweet mother and daughter ended up in this situation here: As Katy states on her blog, "Homelessness has many faces. And sometimes it happens to have a computer." Both Katy and her mother seem to have very positive outlooks, but it's clear they're in some real trouble.
That's where this auction comes in. All proceeds will go toward helping Katy and her mother get back on their feet. This is a pair that are actively looking for ways to improve their situation, and just need a little push to help them get there. So, please bid generously and know that you're doing a wonderful thing to help two wonderful people."
I've donated a "Bling you Blogger Blog" package, and there are lots of other great items to bid on, including signed books, critique sessions, copy edits, artwork, handmade items, and much, much more. Pop over and check it out, and pass the word on your blog!
Thiss is a great blog
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